Through our lens

As technology constantly evolves, you can easily find what you’re looking for by simply using a search engine. Before we started making our own vintage, we found it very difficult to find hip-hop/rap vintage that we liked. The blanks were typically too thin, or the distressing was overdone. One thing we found in common with big-box stores is that they tend to constantly compromise their products to make them more accessible. What was wrong with all the vintage-inspired shirts? None of them looked vintage.
The early days - 1997
The "Wu Tang Forever" album was our real introduction to rap in 1997. At most, we were 7 to 8. We loved their logo and would compare our drawings to find the best way to recreate it. This is what sparked our initial interest in design.
Things got more interesting as we grew older. We were fortunate enough to learn file sharing and burning cd's (shout to Nero) This was important for us as we couldn't afford curtain cd's at that time. The mixtape era was born.
You will notice one thing about our vintage: majority of the artists are from the mixtape era. Our vintage aims to make unique items that aren't available in the market today. From the weight of the shirt to the fabric and texture, we value all these small details. We also want to highlight the heroes that have inspired us over the years, but are often forgotten.